- 7th International Symposium on Biosorption and Biodegradation/Bioremediation – BioBio 2024
Since 1995, this symposium has served as a platform for researchers interested in various aspects of biosorption/degradation to exchange knowledge, establish new contacts across disciplines, and foster international collaborations. Every couple of years, this meeting highlights the newest scientific advancements and cutting-edge methodological approaches in bioremediation, biodegradation, and biodeterioration research. The program committee strives to include research trends at the forefront of the field and reflects emerging challenges in environmental sciences, such as circular economy, waste valorization, green technologies, etc. Encouragement of young scientists' participation has been an essential part of the vision of BioBio Symposia and will remain in place for 2024.
Furthermore, this year the conference will serve as a platform for the presentation of EU Bioremediation Cluster research.
The Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, published by Wiley [Impact Factor: 3.4], will be hosting a Special Issue dedicated to papers presented at BioBio 2024.
Known for its historical beauty and iconic architecture, Prague has been a venue for scientific innovation since King Charles IV founded the first university in Central Europe in 1348. The BioBio symposium has continued this tradition of scientific exploration and encouraged and educated future generations of environmental scientists. We look forward to continuing this legacy through the communication of high-quality research from scientists worldwide – whether at the talks, poster sessions, or our social events over a coffee or mug of famous Czech beer.
We look forward to welcoming you all in Prague in June 2024,
Kateřina Demnerová and local organizers